Fintech Founder Ticket

Criteria: Fintech Founder or Director level job title for a recognized B2C Fintech (50+ headcount).

Secure your Free ticket.

Why is it Free?

At the heart of any great event, is a great audience.

As well as the 150 different banks that are represented at Banking Transformation Summit, we also recognise the importance of including Fintechs in the discussion.

We want to bring as many of the most relevant people to the discussion table as possible.

How can we offer this?

We’ve partnered with a number of industry experts to compliment our keynote programme, panel discussions and roundtable experiences.

We may recommend you join a maximum of 2 of these sessions that align with your programme interests.

Please note, there is no obligation to accept these, attend any session or meet with any of our partners.

Secure Your Free Ticket

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You can either open the form in it’s own browser – CLICK HERE or, send your contact details by EMAIL to our team

Got any questions? We’re on WhatsApp!

If you have any questions, or would like to book, you can contact us on +44 7457 402602